
Posts Tagged ‘News’

Can’t Be Quiet Any Longer!

Hitler-TrumpI can’t be quiet any longer! I just can’t!! My self imposed muteness must end. The shit pile we call a country was going down the crapper at a parabolic pace, and there didn’t seem that anything could be done on this end. The louder I screamed, the worse it got.
Many want to blame it on Obama, or the Republican controlled congress. Others take aim at Wall Street, or the Military-Industrial Complex. Still others hold the media responsible, be it liberal or conservative. Me??? I blame them all!
We, as a general populace, are screwed daily, from multiple directions, and from multiple uninvited parties. People into BDSM call it “Air Tight”. Which is what this poltico-socio-economic system we’ve come to accept; that represses, suppresses, and oppresses the vast majority of us in ways we may not even comprehend; seems to be for the very few who thrive splendidly in it.
That said, it is not the butt-fucking of the masses by the “of, for, and by the people” mirage that has me back on my cyber pulpit. NOPE! It’s actually the possibility that we could be repeating the unquestionably ugliest chapter in human history, a mere 71 years after the nightmare ended. In case you haven’t read your history, there was a man who rallied a disgruntled electorate behind a culture of distrust, and eventually hatred, of minorities; a belief that their society was superior to all others; and savagely, and eventually murderously, enforced their dogma with a goon squad made up of angry, violent sociopaths.
In the video below, you can see how Donald Trump’s legions treat anyone who does not espouse the same ideals as their vaunted leader. It doesn’t matter if you are vocal protestor, a silent observer, or even a legitimate journalist trying to make your living covering the front runner for the Republican Presidential nomination … you are fair game for a beat down:

The rabid staunchness of his supporters – and the lengths they will go to in order to defend his inane, if not inhumane, tenets – is eerily similar to the early days of what would become the Third Reich. His henchmen, hauntingly reminiscent of what would become the SS. His xenophobia, Islamophobia, and self-admitted chiraptophobia; strikingly similar to the many psychosis exhibited by Adolph Hitler, himself.
I guess it’s not surprising to see the ugly head of fear, race/religion-baiting, and bullying take hold of a significant portion of the public. After all, there is great discord going on in this country. Besides, most of the population can’t name the Vice President, much less remember the murderous crimes against humanity committed by a psychotic, paranoid, schizophrenic and his followers last century. Though, if you were to actually study some history, you might find the parallels unnerving. You might even find yourself wanting to stand up to the insanity and say “ENOUGH!”. I know I do.

Chicken Neck Sounds A Lot Like Chicken Little

First, let me say that I have ignored this cyber rag for way too long. But, that doesn’t mean that my mind hasn’t been whirling like Donald Trump’s hair during Hurricane Sandy. Only that I haven’t had a spare moment to tap away at this QWERTY keyboard. Hopefully, there won’t be the same hiatus between posts.
Now, on to the subject at hand. If you haven’t heard Bill O’Reilly’s lamentation on the results of Tuesday’s election, then you probably don’t know that the political sky is falling! That’s right!! Chicken Neck Bill took a page from his apparent ancestor, Chicken Little’s, take on the atmospheric state of affairs. According to the Fox Not News host (I can’t bring myself to refer to him as an “anchor”), rich, old, white guys (ROWG’s) no longer run the United States Of America!
While his ignorance of this national trend – that actually began in the 1800’s with the elections of Joseph Hayne Rainey and Hiram Revels, continued in the early 1900’s with the election of Jeannette Rankin, and has progressed to unprecedented heights in the 21st century – serves to underscore that most, if not all, of Chicken Neck’s opinions are based on little, if any, merit, facts, or truth. ROWG’s have been losing their piece of the pie for some time. It’s just that now, with a Black President re-elected for a second term, more women coming to Capitol Hill than ever before (including an entirely female New Hampshire delegation), more minorities serving in Congress than ever before, an electorate that has become decidedly colorized, and several states giving their okey-dokey to both gay marriage and recreational marijuana use, the cold hard facts are sinking in for the minions over at the reality-starved network.
While, in the face of this week’s election results, the Republican Party is getting a wake up call that they need to hear the voices of women, minorities, and young people if they are to remain a viable political entity in years to come, FOX Not News needs to come to a similar realization if they are to remain a viable media entity. Otherwise, they run the risk of looking like a black and white rerun of “Father Know’s Best” … nostalgic, but not very relevant. Though, by the look on Chicken Neck’s face, any progressive change that may come from either the GOP or FOX will, at best, come very begrudgingly, if at all. Perhaps, the ROWG’s skies are indeed falling.

Enough, Already!


First it was Joe “I’m Sorry” Wilson yelling, “Liar! Liar!! Pants on fire!!” at the President of the United States in front of the entire Congressional gathering; then, it was Rush “I Didn’t Say That” Limbaugh crying in the milk about not being able to play football with the big boys; and, just this past week, it was Rep. Kevin “Schoolyard Bully” Brady making up statistics and “facts” as he went along during finance reform hearings trying to get Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to voluntarily step down from his post. It’s as if the right has been reduced to a whining bunch of 5 year olds, who hope that if they whimper long enough they might actually get their way.
But, can you blame them? Matron Saint Palin is back in the limelight, proving again in interviews that she has absolutely no clue. Unless you consider not knowing the difference between Iraq and Iran (beyond the disparity in 4th letters) an improvement over being able to see Russia from her house.
You’ve got Ms. Prejean showing up in film without her jeans. Illuminating the fact that it’s better to be seen hanging with Camel Joe than it is to be caught playing with your Camel-toe.
And now, it seems as if Harry “Big Balls” Reid is going to take his version of Health Care reform direct to a vote without giving the GOP faithful a chance to read from the local phone book.
I suppose it is enough to reduce anyone to the level a sniveling pre-schooler. But, really … enough, already! I can’t stand it when my own flesh and blood gets crotchety, so I surely don’t want crabbiness from the folks who are supposed to solving our various national crises. I will say to them the same thing I say to my kids when they get too pissy, “Keep it up, and you’ll be going on a permanent time out!”

I Just Couldn’t Do It!

Oprah and Sarah Palin together?!?!   Even the prospect of watching a huge train wreck on national TV couldn’t get me to tune in. I just couldn’t do it. I’d rather have shaved my head with a cheese grater while chewing on tinfoil!

Missed America


The old adage, better to be thought of as a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt, was never so apropos. Last night, dethroned Miss America and Sarah-Palin-wannabe, Carrie Prejean nearly walked off the perennial “Larry King Live” show on CNN.  She accused the show’s namesake of being “inappropriate” for asking her why she settled her lawsuit with the Pageant over her dismissal (see video below). Actually, the only inappropriate thing Larry did was to have this duplicitous Ho-bag on his show.
It’s bad enough that her public stance against same-sex marriage was enough to get her crown lopped from her hollow dome. But, then it turns out that Ms. Prejean dropped her jeans to make a solo sex tape. That’s right, seems Carrie doesn’t care much for a legal union between two loving and consenting adults, but making self-pleasuring porn is no problem at all. I’m telling you, you just can’t write this stuff!
And, to think they were getting ready to parade Ms. CreamJean out there with ultra-rightwing political aspirations. I could just envision the pre-election debate:
“How do you feel about same-sex sex, Ms. Prejean?”
“I feel that sex should be between yourself and your left hand … and, sometimes, your right.”
Apparently, she also has a book she is out there pumping (her reason for being on LKL), which will probably make a great doorstop. By the time Black Friday rolls around you’ll likely be able to get it, bundled with Palin’s waste of paper, in the “Please, Just Take These Books We Can’t Sell” bin of your local bookstore … along with a free cup of coffee and a donut for your troubles. I just can’t imagine anyone would want to read the drivel that this brainless lemming is trying to unload. Because, even Sarah knows that shooting a Moose from a helicopter is much different than shooting your Moose-knuckle in HD.

Chicken Little Lieberman … UPDATE

Well, it seems that Chicken Joe didn’t leave us hanging for long as to his motivation for trumpeting claims of “Terrorism”.  He has now announced he wants to lead a Senate investigation into whether or not this was truly an act of terrorism.  That’s right … this political ping-pong ball wants to spend millions of taxpayer dollars we don’t have all in the name of POWER.
I guess that being the ugly step-child of the Democratic caucus, and only on the Republican party’s Xmas card list, for his McCain/Palin endorsement doesn’t quite carry the political sway that beckons and beguiles most who aspire to reside inside the Beltway.  In fact, in the last year, Joe has wielded all the congressional clout of over-boiled linguini.  So, to (over) compensate, he has decided to lead an investigation that will already be undertaken by the FBI, CIA, Armed Forces, as well as state and local authorities in Texas.
Somehow, I doubt that anything the Lieberman-led committee comes up with will be vastly different than the myriad other agencies will uncover.  Making this an obvious (and lame) attempt at regaining some political power.  Though, Chicken Joe might decide to take his committee on a political white-knuckler in order to give it it’s own spin. Another Senator tried this tact back in the ’50s.  His name was Joe, too. It didn’t turn out too well for the Senator, Congress, or the country.  Unfortunately, though, it appears as if another witch-hunt might be ready to take place … stand by.

Chicken Little Lieberman

November 10, 2009 1 comment

I already have it in for Joe Benedict Arnold Lieberman. I mean, how does a guy go from being the Democratic nominee for VP to keynote speaker at the Republican Convention in just 8 years? Was the guy a plant, a political black-op operative meant to cause disruption and turmoil in the progressive camp? I’m starting to believe in this very possibility.
Lieberman was on TV over the weekend yelling “Terrorism” at the top of his Chicken Little lungs in the case of the nation’s newest mass murderer, Major Nidal Hassan. While evidence has since come to light that Hassan may have had Islamic extremist sympathies, there is no evidence that this was an organized act of terrorism. Certainly, there was absolutely nothing to insinuate a terrorist connection when Jumpin’ Joe declared that the terrorist-sky was falling.
So, why was he stirring the pot while simultaneously pushing the number one panic button for the American public? Was it a diversion tactic to deflect the media away from the historic house vote for healthcare reform? Was it an attempt to rekindle public support for the Bush/Cheney led rape of the Bill Of Rights? Or perhaps, just trying to shift attention away from the fact that he is to the Democratic Party what Brett Favre is to diehard Packer fans?
Whatever his motives were for prematurely making Hassan the latest al Qaeda poster-child, there was definitely an agenda. What it was isn’t readily visible, yet. But, we can be sure that it had designs, and intentions that probably weren’t very altruistic. After all, the Bushinators proved that if you create enough hysteria you can get away with anything.

Did you know …

November 7, 2009 2 comments

… a real meteor hit Indonesia last month!
Real news, no coverage.  What a surprise!  If that thing would have hit Brittany Spears, then it would have been covered, ad nauseam.

P.S. – Sorry for the lack of posts this week.  Between the flu (not Swine, thankfully) and jury duty (not picked, thankfully), I’ve been off the box.

Is it just me (#2) …

… or should Sarah Palin be paying us to read her book?  She’s probably very lucky she won’t be paid by the syllable!
P.S. – I just love the part about the home loan to fight “false legal charges”. That wouldn’t have anything to do with your resignation, Sarah, would it??? Naaaaah!!!!

Is Harry Reid Growing Some Cojones?


Late yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, announced he would be supporting a new Health Care Reform bill that has a modified public option included, citing strong public opinion in favor of such an option.  Additionally, he said he would consider using “reconciliation” in order to only require a 50% majority, rather than the usual 60%, to pass the bill.

This is a huge gamble for the Nevada Democrat, but one he is apparently willing to back with the rarely invoked “reconciliation” which would give the one-finger-salute to any attempt at bipartisanship.  Since the exact details of his proposal have yet to be released, and will be reviewed by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, I won’t discuss the merits of it here …yet.  But, the bold move does deserve some examination.

Is Harry Reid getting “Mavricky” on us?  Suddenly grown a huge set of balls?  Or, just emboldened by the growing public opinion consensus?  I think the evidence points solidly towards the latter.  “Public Option” wasn’t even part of his vocabulary when the Health Care debate began in earnest several months ago.  Then, when President Obama stated that he would prefer a bill with the PO, Reid pretty much poo-pooed it, saying he doubted he could get it passed.  Then, when Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) suggested a PO back-up plan if certain thresholds were not met over the next 5-7 years, Reid said it was a “pretty darn good idea”.  In other worlds, he has waffled more on this subject than breakfast at IHOP!

Regardless of his motivation for the sudden discovery of backbone, Reid’s daring move deserves some applause.  While his bill may not ending up being a full-fledged PO that drives real competition in an overweight, out-of-shape Health Care system, it is a start in the right direction that will certainly drive the debate truly needed on this issue.  Most of all, though it took some time, it’s refreshing to see some of our elected officials seemingly inclined to heed to the will of the majority of the American people.

It remains to be seen if the Majority Leader can stick to his guns and get a bill done that will jive well with what the Pelosi-led House has proposed.  My suggestion to Senator Reid is to add some extra starch to his shirts in order to stand erect during the heated battle that is sure to follow, because I’m not sure if that is a faux Public Option in his pants pocket, or truly a new set of cojones.